Monday - May 4:
- Last day of class time to work on your filming, editing and dvd booklet
- These are due on the double block days - beginning of the block - so that I can put together into a film during class.
Tuesday - May 5:
- Genius Hour presentations continue
Wednesday/Thursday May 6/7:
- Final Genius Hour Presentations first block
- Introduction to the Renaissance second block
- we will be stringing all the videos together to make a film and collecting the DVD booklets too at the beginning of class
Friday: Film Festival!
- Self/peer assessments and reflections for film project
Genius Hour Projects: By today - Friday, you should have all your process loaded onto your FHLearn Blog (including
- email me with the link to your blog when this is done
Genius Hour Final Reflection Questions: Remember we are looking for your ability to self assess, reflect and articulate your learning clearly as part of developing your metacognitive skills. This is also your last opportunity to show how much you learned, even if you faltered throughout different moments in the GH process.
1. Looking back, what were you most proud of during the Genius Hour Project process?
2. What do you think were your biggest challenges completing the GH project? What did you learn from them and what would you do differently if you could? Explain with specific reasons and examples.
3. What is your biggest "take-away" from this overall experience - sum up your biggest learning in 1-3 sentences.