Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hi I Cant See the genius hour paper thing i half to redo it says 404 error when i go to it and ive restarted my computer 5 time what do i do if i can have class time tomorrow that would be great


Ms. Lees I realized that my group's blog isn't on your other group blogs.
Could you add our blog in?
Thank you~

Paragraph Booklets

Are the paragraph booklets due tomorrow, or do we have the winter break to finish?
I Still Cant Get Anything To Post On Our Blog Any Ideas?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Last week reminders for 2014...

Check the details for the rest of the week in the sidebar box - FH News and Flex.

So sorry,
I need you all to be awesome for another TOC - even better than awesome please.  You will be working on your paragraph booklet and remember it needs to be finished by Friday.

For double block days - come prepared to work with your group on "commercial/critique" - You wonder, how can I be prepared?  Record (in writing - with details)  the following info and bring it with you - If you are not prepared, you will receive an alternate assignment to complete on your own in class.

  • come with ideas for the type(s) of readers for whom your novel would appeal to and reasons why (e.g. you may "sell" it to young people for very different reasons than you might "sell" it to parents, teachers or schools.)
  • Come up with a list of at least 10 (combined) pros and cons about your novel - be specific and include examples.
  • Come prepared with an opinion - on a scale of 1-5 stars, how would you rate the novel and would you recommend it?  If so - to which target audience(s)
***Help spread the word with your peers to check the class blog for the details above!***

Thanks everyone,

Ms Lees

All I want for Christmas is a new…. nose :( 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Ms lees i have a question if you did not have your dialectical journal ready today and did not discuss it with your group then how can i do the homework for the last lit circle thing? because for one part it said "what your discussion was" or something like that but i did not discuss so i am a bit stuck on what to do any suggestions?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hi I have a question. Why did we do the Lit circles on Friday instead of Monday? What is taking up our time or replacing it?? Thanks

Thursday, December 11, 2014

3 word challenge updates

Hi everyone,

While I am home sick, I am really enjoying reading some of your 3 Word Challenges.  Remember that we will share these out to the author so don't forget to introduce yourself.  In addition, you might want to hyperlink the original article or summarise the task for your audience - they were not in our class, so they will not know what you are talking about and readers tend to be fickle and leave posts if they are not clear as to what it is about. Check your posts - put in draft mode to make changes and then re-publish or update it.  I hope to share this weekend.

PS  Mrs Dow said you guys were awesome today - thank you so much.  I need this cooperation for tomorrow too as I am still not feeling well.  I am counting on you to be awesome again and be great Firehawk Humanities ambassadors for us all - first impressions matter.

Have a good day tomorrow.  Stay healthy - unhealthy is not so fun :(

Ms Lees

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What do i do

I Noticed my post didnt seem to post on our blog And Still Wont What Should I Do?

learning blog for dec 10 2014


Today we went over and marked our re-tests. We also silent read our lit circle books.


We do tests to challenge our knowledge and what we have absorbed these past few weeks. We also read and discuss lit circle books to build our reading skills up and also build our group working skills.


Today for homework was  to choose 3 words to represent those ideas and  explain why you chose them. You also had to think of a sentence and write it on paper.

3 Word and Sentence Challenges

At this time of year, many people reflect back on the past year and look forward to the upcoming year.  It is a good time of year to do the same in our classes. This task is inspired by Anne Day's article linked here :  Forget the New year's Resolutions...

Your task:  Follow the steps the author suggests... and post on your group blogs.  We will be sharing your words with the author via Ms Lees Twitter account, so introduce yourself.  Remember, first names only for safety reasons.  For example - my name is Sam and I am in grade 8.

  1. Looking back at your last year, decide upon things in your life you wish you could change or improve.
  2. Choose 3 words to represent those ideas.  Explain why you chose them.  These should be 3 words to work on in the coming year.  They do not need to be about school life only. 
For example - if you want to improve your work, the likely word may be effort.  Focussing on effort will help you improve your work overall. 

Task #2:  What is your sentence?  

You will write this on paper - it will be a sentence you hope to be remembered or thought of by others.  We will make our own video to share later.

Watch these examples to help you get ideas:

Daniel Pink:  What is your sentence?

Example videos: 

Example videos:


Some of you are still having trouble with the Sentence challenge - think of it as how you would want to be remembered as a person (not a job or other group affiliation - remember "On the Sidewalk Bleeding."  Andy did not want to be known or remembered as a gang member.

Eg. Sophie is a dancer, but she might have a sentence like:  
                                    She brought beauty and inspiration to others through dance.

For Block 1 only - Last reminder:  Change for Lit circles - we have moved up the deadline.  Finish reading your novel and have your dialectical journal ready for discussion on Friday.  We are aiming to have no homework for the holidays :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


How are you supposed to do the outlining for paragraphs?

Apology - Report Card attachments for Block 4

Students - please show your parents so that you do not get in trouble for not having the attachments.

Please accept my apology for not getting all the attachments stapled to your report cards as the comment indicated.  Due to the power outage, I was unable to make copies before attaching them. Students in Block 4 will bring these home on Thursday.

Block 1 attachments were able to be completed as the power resumed in the afternoon.

Sorry again for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday Dec 8 Reminders

Hi everyone,

I am really pleased to see people getting used to using the class blog for questions and to support each other.  However, I am a little saddened that most of the questions continue to be about homework (what is it and when are they due) that students were to write in their agendas on Friday.  Several of you also took pictures so I was surprised to see so many questions about this.   Agenda checks will begin this week so that we can improve our attention to homework.

Reminder:  Dialectical Journals should be prepped for Monday Lit Circle Discussions.

***Innovation Fair Proposals are due Tuesday - go to room D105 at lunch for help.  Last week we had 5 seniors and teachers waiting to help you as many indicated needing help, yet only 2 showed up.  This is your last opportunity to get help before you hand them in.  I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

PS  Some of our senior helpers are a bit shy too so when you arrive, just ask the students if they are their to help.  Be brave - I promise they will not bite.  Ask Sahil :)

PPS  Due to the garbage left over the last few weeks in Mrs Brar's/Mrs Warkentin's D105 room, you must eat your lunch before you can go in.  Thanks for being so respectful of their wishes and if you are with students from other classes, let them know of these rules too.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


I'm stuck on one of the paragraphs that's due on Monday. Will there be flex before school or during lunch?

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Reminder - titles for posts

Learning Blogs should be titled as follows:  Learning Blog (date)
Eg. Learning Blog for December 3, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014

Innovation Week Proposal

For our innovation week proposal, when is it due? Will we work on it during class and will it be due in class?
Also, what will happen if our proposal gets rejected before Winter Break?

Thanks :D

Criteria For the Learning blogs :)

hey guys!
its me Alex :3
The post for the criteria didn't show up on the blog for me so i was gonna post it here

Learning Blogs; headings
1. What did we do?
2,Why (learning intentions) did we do it?
3, Reflections and connections-how was/is today's class skills or subject matter relevant (important) beyond Hum 8? Where might it be useful and how?
4,Homework reminders- what is due and when,
5. Homework tips-hints, videos or resources that might help students do well on today's homework.

Thanks Ms. lees for replying to my email and i hope this helps some of you guys :)