Learning Blog Expectations

Your Group Blogs will be used for Learning Blogs up until Christmas.  If we do a good job with these and our work habits improve overall, then we will change groups as well as our learning intentions (Expectations / criteria / form).    I should also be minimally an author and ideally an administrator of your blogs (to help with troubleshooting).

Why are we starting with Learning Blogs instead of other writing or discussions that may be more interesting?
  • helps to develop our active learning, listening and critical thinking skills as the varied tasks require thought and reflections beyond the daily lesson review.  These will be even more important when we complete reflections based on our work towards the end of the term for our portfolios.  Essentially, it is a stepping stone for us to practice our critical thinking, reflection and self-assessment skills.
  • helps to develop familiarity and comfort with the process of using blogs/tech in a community environment
  • helps to further develop our collaboration skills, writing (particularly paragraphing)
  • helps to build a stronger community (groups) and within our class
  • provides a place for students and parents to get a glimpse into our class as well as a reference for homework reminders
How often do I need to post?
Each day someone from your group will be assigned to post; For most groups this means each person will be responsible for posting about once per week (minimally once every two weeks).

Assigned how? 
You and your group will discuss and decide a rotational schedule.  This schedule will need to be flexible so that you can accommodate for planned and unplanned absences, as well as other events that can prevent a person from being able to post (for example - team sport, test, or family event).  The point of having you work together to communicate and plan your posting is partially to develop teamwork and collaboration skills, communication skills and for students to become more actively responsible for their learning (time management).

What does a Learning Blog Post include:

1.  Summarise the main points of the day's lesson/activities - What did we do in class today?

2.  Indicate learning intentions (skills, content) of the days lessons / activities - Why did we do ..... today?

3.  Reflections/Relevance - Connections to the real world or your personal world.  How are /will the skills/content learned today be useful to me? In life or in other subjects? Or for my own learning?

4. Homework Reminders and Instructions: what is the day's homework / when is it due?  If there is none assigned indicate that there was none assigned.  These can also include upcoming homework deadlines.  Eg.  Short Story Term Quiz Tuesday October 16

5. Homework Tips:  These may include tips on how to do well / meet or exceed expectations for the homework.  These are often discussed in class directly or hinted at in class.  Additionally students may include their own tips to help with homework and / or links to useful resources that may help with homework.

What about comments?  Can we comment on posts?
Yes - of course!  Please do.  For the time being your comments should be primarily encouraging, offering assistance, clarification or further ideas.  These will help get you used to working together as a team as well as develop your blogging (tech) and collaboration skills.

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