Friday, October 31, 2014

Daylight Savings Time is ending!

Just a reminder to set your clocks back 1 hour before you go to sleep on Saturday night.  My gift to you… an extra hour's sleep!

Block 1:  Sadly this class is still catching up on a few things from missed blocks due to school events.  Please have "Sidebet" read and the 2 questions answered.  In addition, most of you did not complete your learning logs satisfactorily so you will be doing them again this week.  Starting next week if homework is not in class or you have fallen behind, you will be required to attend flex.  Homework habits have slipped for many of you this week and I am not sure why…

Block 4:  Make sure you have completed the plot diagram for the story "Voo Doo" - except for the students who wrote their quizzes in LST today.  Reminder to all - learning logs are due as well as story homework, which most of you handed in with Mr. Culo on Thursday.Many of the learning logs handed in today were looking good at first glance.  Again, some of you have fallen down a bit on work habits this week- having your work, textbooks and supplies in class.

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Learning logs

Do we have to finish both sides of the learning log?


Ms.lees My Learning log got messed up and ripped i need a new one (if i can get 1) so i can copy it. its to messed up to tape and its also really crinkled please give me a new one.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ms.Lees, I discovered when you click on the Flaming Flamingos link, it will link to, which isn't our group blog.
The link to our group blog is
Can you please change the link?

Inspiring creativity and Genius Hour Reminders

Don't forget to tell your audience why you chose your selected video, quote, image or article as something you think could inspire you as a learner or your creativity / curiosity in anticipation for Genius Hour.  It is much more interesting to understand your thinking behind your choices and the connections you make in your choices.

I am enjoying reading your first posts and comments already!  Keep up the good work!

PS  Don't forget to finish those learning logs - I am collecting them on Friday and if they are done well, then we will be changing them for next week.  If there are a number of people who are not understanding or meeting expectations, then we will continue next week to practice.  I was open for flex today and several of you came to use the time and get help.  I will also be open on Friday at 11:15 too so if you have fallen behind, I will see you then. Bring your lunch.

Monday, October 27, 2014

New Commenting Challenge!

Post a comment on one of Mr McDonald's student posts - introduce yourself (first name only), stay positive and share something that helps connect you to the author. They would love it!  Invite them to check out the exciting clubs we have to offer through your blog posts (send them the link) and let's see how many respond!

Make sure  each blogger gets at least one comment from us!

Week of October 27-31….Scary….

Flex this week:  Wednesday and Friday

Monday:  In Lab 109 to work on comments.  Task was to post comments on 2 of your fellow blog group members.  If someone already has 2 comments, move on to the next person.  Goal is to spread the feedback around and expose ourselves do varied writers while we learn to give descriptive feedback.  Remember the "constructive sandwich" - start and end positively with constructive critique in the middle.  Review "Austin's Butterfly" if you need reminders for what good descriptive feedback looks like or take a look at Evan's comment on Sophie's "Clubs" post, on the Flaming Rubber Duckies Blog - I helped him refine the wording and expand as an example for you all.

***Reminder - if your blog group is not in the right sidebar - send me an email with your group's name to add it to our class blog***

Tuesday:  Introducing Genius Hour!!! Time to be inspired and begin thinking about your Genius Hour Projects!  Excited to meet your parents!

Wednesday - Five Days of Fire!  Wear your colours!  Block 1 is Blue! Don't worry we will still have 1 block :)  Story follow up and review.

Thursday:  Story follow up and review.  Genius Hour continued.

Friday:  Short Story Term quiz.  Learning logs will be collected -don't forget to do them daily.

Happy Halloween!  Wear your Costumes!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Question for HUM homework

For our work where we have to do the Character Webs, Point of View, etc for the four stories, if a story has two important characters, do we do them both in the "Character Types" section, or just the main character?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Interim Reports for Humanities - delayed one day

My apologies grade 8 students and parents - interim reports will be ready for pick up Wed morning before school.  I did not get a chance to copy them today so I will do so first thing in the morning.  If your parents are wondering - show them our class blog.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Survival… Tuesday Oct 21

You will be working in your blog groups today! (Tuesday)  I will be mostly observing to see if you have understood all the advice about how to work collaboratively and effectively in groups from our discussions of the IDEO Shopping Cart Challenge.

Task 1:  Time to get to know your group a little better and Creating a guide for feedback
               45 minutes

Each person -divide a piece of paper into 3 columns and turn the paper to "landscape" or sideways for this.  Do not put your name on the paper at all.  The headings of the columns will be:  My strengths, My weaknesses, my fears or worries as a writer/blogger/collaborator (team player).  For example - some may not be strong writers but they are good at helping others orally with word choice or problem solving with tech problems.  Some might be very insecure or shy participating in a group setting but more confident with writing - grammar, or extending ideas.

Spend the next 10 minutes individually listing (in point form) everything you can think of that will help your group get to know each other better.  Then cut your 3 columns so that you can separate the lists and place them face down.

As a group, tackle each pile of strengths, weaknesses and fears - try to combine common ones and rephrase so that everyone has a clear idea of the group's skills. Then, think back to "Austin's Butterfly", and the learning outcomes for our blogging and, as a group, create your own guidelines for giving feedback.  This will take some time.  Also - remember your tips from IDEO shopping cart challenge - include input from everyone and create a graphic organizer or other kind of poster for your group reminders (include diagrams and examples where necessary).  You will have 30 minutes for this task - post on the back wall.

Task 2:  Pre-Reading Activity  (20 minutes)

a) Each group will be assigned an animal.  Then you will have to decide -  if stranded on an island in the following scenario, who has the better chance of survival: the person or the animal? Justify your reasoning as thoroughly as possible.

A man or woman has been shipwrecked on a desert island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no other inhabitants and no vegetation.  His or her only companion is the animal you have been assigned, which has also survived the ship wreck.  The only food is a bag of 20 sea biscuits and a keg of water saved from the ship.

Task 3:  The class will be voting on your arguments.

Homework:  Complete your learning log.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Homework Reminders & Important Info for Parents for Monday Oct 20

Hi everyone,  (Please share this with your parents - important info below!)

We are still struggling to get some things set up with the blogs and with the gr 8 "retreat" Wed Block 1 is a bit behind. So sadly, some of you may have some homework this weekend.

First - your "First Post" deadline is now Monday night.  This way you can come see me before school or at lunch on Monday if you are having any troubles with your assignment.  Don't forget you can also post questions on the class blog.

For Monday:  Both blocks

  • ensure you have completed the confirmation of reading and understanding course expectations in the course outline with your parents
  • complete your first post assignment and post on your group blog (Remember if you have trouble posting online, it does not mean that you don't do your homework.  It means you problem solve and find a way to complete the work, even if it means on paper.
  • Review the Posting Reminders from Thursday / Friday's class
  • your parents may also follow our class blog if it helps them help you - we will all work as a team this year to support your learning.  
Block 1 (and 4 if needed):  I will be checking your notes on the "IDEO Shopping Cart Challenge" on Monday as evidence of your listening skills - oral communication.  (This is your 2 column chart with Collaboration Skills on the left and Inquiry / Project Process on the right).  If you need to review the video again, it can be found on the page for Innovation Week and Genius Hour. 

If you need additional blogger help here is what you can do:
  • "Google" it - there are lots of resources out there
  • go to Blogger Help - again, lots of resources there
  • post on the class blog and or the group blog asking for help (there are 60 students on the class blog - hopefully this is the start of us working closer together as a team, so I will not respond this weekend.  I want to see how you support each other.
Finally, take time to play, rest and be with family - try to keep healthy :)  Have a wonderful weekend!

Interim Reports:  Next week
These are primarily work habit based.  You will be receiving different reports from each teacher.  Some may give you a printout of tasks and scores and others will give you comments or a rubric style where the emphasis is on work habits.  All of these are ok. For our humanities class, you will be self assessing with a rubric in class on Monday and setting goals.  I will then add to your self assessment before you take it home to your parents.  

Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday October 28  3:00-6:00
By now your parents have received notice and booked their appointments online.  I have also contacted some parents by phone this week as requested.  This year, starting late, we did not host our usual "Meet the Teacher" night where I get to introduce myself, sometimes other teachers, and answer questions about what you can expect in high school and how you can support your child.  During this time I usually explain portfolio assessment (which I use - but some Humanities teachers use other methods) as well as our school's interest in helping all students become more digitally responsible online.  

Open House for Gr 8 Parents

3:00 - 3:20 on October 28 I will host an open house for Grade 8 parents in my room (213) so that I can meet you and address questions you may have or direct you to resources here at Fraser Heights. This way, if you were unable to book an appointment (I was almost full yesterday), hopefully we can at least meet.  This is primarily for my Humanities classes but if you are a grade 8 parent and could not meet with your Hum teacher or have questions, please join us.  I have been at Fraser Heights since 2000 and I am the Humanities department head which means I may be able to address your queries about Humanities or how to access other services and opportunities here at Fraser Heights.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Your first post...

Good evening,
Hopefully everyone was able to get on to Blogger and group blogs have been set up ok.  If you are having any trouble, I will be open for flex at 11:30 tomorrow (Wed - after your "Gr 8 Retreat") and I will be open for flex on Thursday at 11:15 (Closed Friday).

If you have not yet invited me to your group blogs, please remember to do so.

Your first post! Due Friday in class!
Before posting - Last week and this week each of you were to attend a club or other extra-curricular activity ("meet an expert" talk, team sport, student council,…) as you will be writing on it this week.
The expectation was that you would attend to see what it was about - you did not need to join unless you wanted to.  I know some clubs were getting started this week so the deadline for doing this was extended to this week.

Response options for your post:

Write about your experience attending your club or extra curricular meeting, but choose one of the "voices" or perspectives below to get a little creative and have fun with it.  We may share your posts with the clubs so they get some feedback as to how well they are reaching our newest Firehawks - this information is important as it helps clubs to maintain and grow.  Remember to keep the language more formally toned and if you refer to any student, use first names only (for safety and privacy).  Some options allow you to critique your club experience - remember to do this in a way that is not hurtful or attacking any person or group.  There is a way to discuss concerns and offer constructive criticism without being hurtful.  If you do not think you can do this, then choose a different option without critique. This is a skill we will be working on throughout the year, so you will have plenty of opportunity to develop your feedback skills.

1.  Write as if you are a reporter - reporting objectively on what the club is all about, your observations / experiences or "interviews" with other attendees.  Don't forget reporters sully go through the 5 Ws and H (Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why).  Conclude with a recommendation - "selling" the club to the audience it  would appeal to and why?  For example - perhaps the FH book club would appeal to those who really enjoy reading and sharing books, but also those who might need extra conversational practice or want to expose themselves to varied genres of literature, share their love of literature outside their regular grade or English class.

2.  Write from the perspective of an "alien" -  try to explain the club to someone from outside our world.  Listen to "I'm a Stranger Here" by Five Man Electrical Band to give you an idea as to how this might be done:

The first clip - does not have a video but does include the lyrics in written form to follow along. The second clip has a video with images added by another to go with the words.

 3.Write a jingle or radio ad for the club you attended - Be informative but "sell" the club to your audience.  If you can audio record or video tape yourself "performing" the jingle or radio ad. Minimally - Write the jingle in your post and tell your audience what tune goes with it.  (minimum 15 lines)

4. Describe the club to your audience. Attach a collage of words or images to represent your initial impressions or response to the club. (These will likely include both positive and critical thoughts as well as queries or questions - that is ok.) Create online or upload pictures, draw and take a picture to upload

5. Describe the 5 Ws and H of your club / extra curricular choice and then offer write about the pros and cons of joining the club. Consider the skills, connections, interests you would build upon as well as the commitments required and any worries or concerns you may have about joining the club.  You may also list questions you still have after attending your club event - perhaps the event was not as informative as you thought it might be so this is the perfect place to write down your questions.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Welcome to your Humanities 8 Class Blog!

Finally, I have cleaned up the blog for another great year and I look forward to our class working together to make this blog useful for everyone!  Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember we will be in the library on Tuesday - see you then!

Your first challenge:  Look at the sidebar on the right and review the course outline again with your parents. (We did review it in class earlier this year).

Fill in the following Google doc form: