When we updated our portfolios and reflections at the end of semester, we included a lot of varied samples. These will be too many for most of your parents.
You will pull out samples that show growth between term 1 and now in the following areas: (suggestions are in brackets)
1. Writing and
writing process (paragraph writing, blog posts,
speech/scripts for presentation
2. Reading Comprehension (Think-Alouds, plot diagrams, story term quiz,
questions and
Reading analysis / structure (plot
diagrams, character webs, story application test,
dialectical journals)
3. Collaboration
skills (group blogs, reflections on architecture projects,
innovation fair
projects, lit circle discussions)
4. Religion
Presentation as the most recent example of:
- Oral communication – (lit circle discussion
reflections/religion project presentation)
- Representing
visually (models, religion project poster)
- Research skills and note-making - organized and point form – no full sentences, own words, sources indicated. (sample notes from videos - eg. What is religion, sample notes from note-making booklet, notes from innovation fair research, architecture or religion project process)
*PS - yes, I know there is an extra "1" above - can't seem to get rid of it :( - Oral communication – (lit circle discussion
reflections/religion project presentation)
Essentially you will be discussing and pointing out how your samples show growth in skills and learning intentions (if you are not sure of these - check your portfolio reflection sheets again for hints). You will be needing to point out and explain:
First: What you had to do (the task) and why (learning intentions - skills or content) and how you met the expectations/criteria or why you did not meet the expectations or criteria. You may need to explain how you knew what was good work for the task (eg. samples in class, rubrics, looking at and critiquing together in class, reviewing in class, etc.)
Then: what you need to do to improve and how you will do this in the last terms of the year
Ms Lees - I am freaking out a little (or a lot) how will I get this all done?
Extra times available tomorrow - before school at 7:15 (Pocock is here earlier if I am late) and at lunch flex.
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