Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Last week reminders for 2014...

Check the details for the rest of the week in the sidebar box - FH News and Flex.

So sorry,
I need you all to be awesome for another TOC - even better than awesome please.  You will be working on your paragraph booklet and remember it needs to be finished by Friday.

For double block days - come prepared to work with your group on "commercial/critique" - You wonder, how can I be prepared?  Record (in writing - with details)  the following info and bring it with you - If you are not prepared, you will receive an alternate assignment to complete on your own in class.

  • come with ideas for the type(s) of readers for whom your novel would appeal to and reasons why (e.g. you may "sell" it to young people for very different reasons than you might "sell" it to parents, teachers or schools.)
  • Come up with a list of at least 10 (combined) pros and cons about your novel - be specific and include examples.
  • Come prepared with an opinion - on a scale of 1-5 stars, how would you rate the novel and would you recommend it?  If so - to which target audience(s)
***Help spread the word with your peers to check the class blog for the details above!***

Thanks everyone,

Ms Lees

All I want for Christmas is a new…. nose :( 

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